Brummies History
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Anthony Ames
Arthur Ames
Leonard Ames
Louisa Ames nee Gazey
Clara & Walter Badham
Eleanor Lena  Cartwright
Alfred William (Buck) Chinn
Lily Collins (Robinson)
Walter Collins
William James Collins Jnr
William James Collins Snr
Alice Cotton nee Moorcroft
Reginald Cutt's
Dorothy Delaney (Rainsford)
Gladys Edmonds/ Currier
Stanley Farrington
 Eric George Hill
 Fanny Hambleton/Loone
Horace Hambleton
Edward harris
Phyllis Clare Harris
Winifred Harris nee Robbins
Thomas Joseph Hutchinson
Roy Harold Kedwards
Ethel Kirby nee Parry
James (Jim) Kirby
James Ernest Lewis
Rueben Marlow
Nellie Marlow nee Hardle
Len & Amy Mobley
Ethel Moore nee Collocott
Henry Moore
Charlie & Alice Moorcroft
Leslie Moorcroft
Edna Mosely
Ivy Beatrice Pickering
James Robert Pickering
Isaac Reeves
Gillian Rogers
Raybones and Russells
Horace Round
Arthur Smith
Florence Smith nee Haynes
George Smith
Pte George Smith
Robin Smith
Joe Smith
Joe Staunton
Arthur Taylor 1885 to 1942
Arthur Taylor 1922 to 2005
George Troughton
Alice Ward nee Matthews
William (billy) Ward
History Of The Heartlands
Heartlands LHS News
Carl Chinns Brummagem
St Josephs School's
Shard End LHS
Alzheimer's Disease
Nechells Baths
Poems by Eric hill
Poems by Betty Pickering
 WW1 Soldiers Remembered
Bartholomew Agar
William James Askey
Arthur Baker
Thomas Henry Beardsmore
William Hugh Bennett
Frank Bluck
John Bluck
Thomas G Bluck
George  Branaghan
Walter Brindle
Arthur Brooks
Walter Brooks
Albert William Cambrook
William Robert Cambrook
William Carter
James Jarvis Chew
Alfred Daykin
Charlie Davis
Reginald Davis
Edward Duval
Bertie Dyer
Ernest Thomas Dyer
Harold Dyer
Evans Boys
William E Grocott
Walter  Harley
Charles Hateley
Harry Hateley
Samual Hateley
Ernest Edwin Edgecox
William Bell Heskey
John Joseph Samuel Holland
Gilbert Williamson Holder
Edwin Holtom
Charles Herbert Horton
James Howse
Robert Howse
Albert Hughes
Henry (Harry) Ingram
John Kirby
George Kitchen
Ernest Arthur Lyndon
Thomas Joseph Matthews
 Charles Moorcroft
Frederick Morris Snr
Frederick Morris Jnr
Frederick Thomas Morris
 Hubert Nichols
James Edward Parr
John Henry Pearce
Albert Pedley
William Bernard Rabone
William  Robins
James Edward Roe
Alfred Sheasby
Ernest Anderton Showell
James Showell
Samuel Simcox
James Henry Skews
Arthur Ernest Stockhall
Frederick Lesley Tipping
Arthur Vickers
William. C. Watkins
Henry Howard Whitehurst
Charles Willis
John Tyler Willis
Charles Winn
Albert Timbrell Yates

Arthur Taylor Snr was born in 1885 to William Taylor (1848-1894) and Ann Hart (1849-1923). He was one of 15 children in a poor, struggling family whose father was a button burnisher.

In 1894 Arthur’s father William died. Ten year old Arthur’s siblings ranged from 5 year old Edith Amelia, known as Amelia, to 24 year old Blanch Ada, already married with two young children. Mother Ann struggled to provide for her children and was helped by Arthur and his 11 year old brother Harry when they sold newspapers to make a few pennies.

Unfortunately this came to the attention of the Authorities and Ann had to appear in court on two occasions because the boys had missed school -  an offence under The Education Act of 1874.

Ann was given a choice – pay a fine or agree to her boys being taken into care by Middlemore Homes. This was no choice at all for the impoverished mother and her sons were handed over.

Within a year Harry and Arthur were told their mother had also died and that  they were to have a new life in Canada. Middlemore reports from the time described the two as ‘typical street Arabs’ and promised a ‘better life’. In June 1896 they travelled to Liverpool and embarked on the ship Corean bound for Halifax, Nova Scotia. They were separated and placed with farming families; on the face of it to be adopted into a loving family but in reality they were servants and worked the land. Arthur had two moves and enjoyed tending pigs on one farm. This led to a lifetime love and respect for these animals. However he sustained bad facial scarring in a farm fire which he later covered by growing a large moustache.

Arthur saved his meagre pay and bought a ticket home. He returned to Birmingham in 1901 where he found his mother, alive and well, living with his sister Blanch and family.

Arthur headed to Plymouth next where he signed up with the Royal Marines, adding a couple of years to his age to do so. 

He met Ethel Pierce, a grocer’s daughter and they had a daughter, Mona, in 1904. They married in 1906 at Devonport, Plymouth. After a few years and a few more children the couple moved to Birmingham.

The last of their nine children was born in 1928 when Ethel was 45 and Arthur was 43. After leaving the Royal Marine service Arthur worked in a plastics factory (Ellisons of Wellhead Lane) eventually becoming a well respected foreman.

He died in November 1942 aged just 57 years old. His children remember him as a quiet, gentle person who was always happy to help his neighbours with any reading or writing tasks they had.